17.-21. februar
På SALT Art & Music, Oslo
With Emma Jansen
“During the workshop we will work improvisationally with tasks related to movement, voice, objects, and each other. I will share different approaches to working with movement and improvisation, both individually and collectively as a group. We will explore scores, text, and play as starting points for movement, and investigate how we can meet and engage with each other, objects, and the space through our bodies and movement.”
No dance experience is required.
About the workshop facilitator:
Emma Jansen works as a creative and performing dance artist based in Oslo. Drawing is an important part of her practice, and she explores the intersection and meeting point between drawing and movement/dance art. After completing her education at KHiO (Bachelor’s in Contemporary Dance, 2022), she has performed with Nagelhus Schia Productions and Panta Rei Danseteater, as well as collaborated with choreographers such as Fieldworks, Yaniv Cohen, Sanghoon Lee, Roza Moshtaghi, and Shi Pratt.
The course is held: 10am-3pm Monday-Friday
Showing: Friday 21st Febuary 2pm(14:00) in Arktiske, SALT Art & Music
16.-20. mars
På SALT Art & Music, Oslo
At October’s Scenegym facilitated by Theresa Carlsen the participants played with the nine physical Viewpoints including: Shape, Gesture, Architecture, Spatial relationship, Topography, Tempo, Duration, Kinesthetic response and Repetition.
At this Scenegym we will also include and explore more compositional work, dramatic text and music. How do we work with dramatic text from a spatial and physical starting point, but still engage with the psychology and emotions of the character? And how do we create set sequences/scenes, but still stay aware and connected to the things that can arise in the moment?
Previous experience with Viewpoints is a plus, but not a requirement.
The main focus of the workshop is to create an awareness of time and space, a listening with our entire body and an exploration of our own creativity while engaging and relating with the group.
All professional artists, no matter the field of artistic practice, are welcome to join this free workshop week as long as you are ready to get on the floor and have a creative exploration with the space, the people around you and your own body and voice. No need to have attended the previous workshop to join this one.
The workshop will be held in either Norwegian or English - depending on the participants preference of language.
About the workshop facilitator:
Theresa Carlsen has a Bachelor in Acting from Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo(2022), and has her base in Copenhagen and Oslo. She is a co- founder of ScenekunstKollektivet and of the Danish theatre/performance company Carlsen/Hooge. She often works in multidisciplinary collective processes, and is interested in the transparent space where you react in relation to the room and audience. She is interested in physical awareness, and the authentic, the surprising and the “stupid”.
The course is held: 10am-3pm Sunday-Thursday
Showing: Thursday 20th March 6pm(18:00) in Langhuset, SALT Art & Music
28. april - 3. mai(1. mai er fri/kampdag)
På SALT Art & Music, Oslo
Med Kornelia Melsæter
“Denne veka skal vi vekke klovnen inni oss og dens stemme til live, og danne eit klovnekor.
Alle mennesker har i løpet av sitt liv songe i kor. Anten det er skulekor, profesjonelt kor eller berre allsang i ein konfirmajson. Kursdeltagerane tar med seg ei historie knytta til kor. Var det ein gong nokon stjelte soloen din? Eller har du songe i eit kor som har vore mest opptatt av kaffi og kaker? Gjennom kurset vil vi gjere klovneøvingar i duoar, trioar, improvisere, skrive og til slutt invitere publikum inn til korkonsert. Dette kan verte ei humoristisk affere full av leik, song og innviklingar både med og utan nase.”
Kuset vert tilpassa kursdeltageranes behov. Du kan kome uansett om du har arbeida med klovn før eller ikkje - her skal vi fyrst og fremst leike oss og hylle det dumme. Det fins trass alt ikkje dumme folk, berre folk som ikkje tenkjer seg riktig om!
Om kurshaldar:
Kornelia Melsæter er ein skodepelar, songar og komponist frå Ålesund. Ho er utdanna musikalartist ved Bårdar, og har ein BA i skodespelarteknikk og teaterproduksjon ved Nord Universitet(2022) Kornelia gjer både scene og film, ho har arbeida på blant anna Teater Vestland og Unge Viken Teater. I mars hadde ho sin debut på norsk kinolerret i filmen «Å øve».
Kurset holdest Kl 10-15 man-lør(torsdag 1. mai er fri/kampdag)
Visning laurdag 3. mai kl 14:30 i Pyramiden på SALT Art & Music
2.-6. juni
På SALT Art & Music
Med Sacha Slengesol Balgobin og Madelen Larsen
“What would a story about a difficult life choice look like? Or a show based on the best choice you ever made? What makes you lose your mind? And what brings you great happiness? Can it even be that the same things that make you smile is also the source of great frustration?
These are examples of questions we want to explore in this workshop. The participants will work with developing/creating material from different tasks, exercises and games we bring. We will use co-writing as a method. How can the different individual stories we tell (oral and written) become a shared material that’s a part of us all? We will also work with body and voice through improvisation and different exercises that explore both the known and the unknown in us. Text, body and voice will be equal in the creating and the storytelling.
We are open for musical instruments to be part of the creating process, so if you have one, you are welcome to bring it.”
Sacha Slengesol Balgobin:
Sacha is an actor and creator within the performing arts. She has a BA in acting from Westerdal Oslo Act(2018) and a BA in architecture from Bergen Arkitekthøgskole(2013). Sacha wrote and produced the theatre show “Emma” with Elg Elgesem. She is a co-founder of ScenekunstKollektivet, and a part of the theatre company “The Cult”. Sacha has also worked as an instructor for Strømmen Barneteater, and as a casting agent for Kampen Casting. She has also contributed to a series of film- and TV productions, both in front of and behind the camera.
Madelen Larsen:
Madelen has a BA in acting from Norwegian Theatre Academy(2022), and works as a performing artist, actor, director and singer. She has a background within physical theatre and music, and likes to combine the different disciplines and expressions when she creates. Together with Nicolaj Wamberg, she created the children’s show «Den Magiske Venneboka”, an interactive concert show. Madelen is co-founder, facilitator and producer for ScenekunstKollektivet. She has previously taught at Norwegian Theatre Academy, Solbakken Folkehøgskole and at Danvik Folkehøgskole.
The course is held 10am-3pm(10-15) mon-fri
Showing: Friday 6th June at 6pm(18) in Pyramiden, SALT Art and Music